Senior Center Rental Agreement
The Richmond Township board approved the following rentalprocedure asaservice to Richmond Township residents as well as to protect and maintain the property of its residents. Your cooperation with this agreement will help in the continuation of this service.
- The center holds approximately 60 - 65people.
- Renter must be a registered voter in Richmond Township and at least 25 years of age.
- Rentals will be permitted between April 1st and December 31st
- The use of tobacco in the Senior Center or on township property is strictly prohibited.
- A refundable security deposit will be required at the time of booking. This deposit will be refunded if the Senior Center left in an acceptable manner, if senior Center is left in an unacceptable manner, the deposit will not be returned.
- Full rental payment needs to be made two weeks prior to rental.
- Copy of Homes Owners Liability Insuranceneeds to submitted with rental payment, with provision to coverages associated with rental of facility.
- Key to be picked up at Richmond Lenox EMS, 34505-32 Mile Rd. Richmond, MI 48062, on Friday before rental between the hours of 9:30 am and 2:00pm.
- Richmond Lenox EMS and /o r Richmond Township will not be held responsible for personal loss, stolen articles or injuries to guest during the time of rental.
- Richmond Lenox EMS and /o r Richmond Township will not be held responsible for beer, wine or any other liquor given to anyone.
- Renter must bring all your own cleaning supplies, towels and garbage bags with you. It any Senior Center supplies are missing your security deposit will not be refunded.
- Renter must place their garbage in the dumpster at rear of the Township Hall. The garbage containers at the Senior Center are not to be used. If you leave your garbage ni the containers your deposit will not be refunded.
- No taping or adhering anything to building walls or painted surfaces.
- Security deposit will be refunded after hall is inspected and key is returned.
- Richmond Lenox EMS and /or Richmond Township have the right to halt an event or close the hall for improper behavior (indecent conduct, gambling ect.) Renter is responsible for conduct / actions of people in attendance.
- Security Deposit: $100.00 cash, check or paid made to Richmond Lenox
EMS, at time of booking. Refundable If the hall is
clean and there is no damage.